A tréningre november 1. és 9. között kerül sor az Észtországi Kose-Uuemoisa nevű településen. A programon 3 fő vehet részt akik a projekt kezdetéig betöltötték a 18. életévüket.
A projekt rövid leírását és az infor packot itt találjátok:
Nowadays one of the most popular methods is volunteering to fight against NEET. Nevertheless, there is a huge gap between service and learning within voluntary projects, doesn’t matter if we consider only local voluntary youth projects or transnational volunteering projects e.g. within European Solidarity Corps. Most organisations, that work with volunteers, mostly focus on the service part and only a low percentage goes to the learning elements. Although, voluntary activities should focus on the personal learning processes of volunteers besides the societal needs of the local communities. Young people in NEET need to foster their self–esteem, they need to know themselves much better, and their self–confidence has to be enhanced in order to be able to act as full members of the societies which is the first step to applying for a job at least. So youth workers have to offer such type of voluntary activities for young people in NEET which help them to make the first step. The main focus of the voluntary activities goes to learning through service. Youth workers have to be able to invent, use and adapt creative and innovative non–formal educational methods, tools and or techniques which can provide opportunities for young people in NEET for competence development. As project partners, we have decided to get acquainted with the methodology of self–directed learning as non –formal educational tool for self–development of young people in NEET and adapt it to our local and transnational voluntary youth projects.
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Jelentkezési határidő: 2022. október 20.