SKILL IT UP ifjúsági csere Spanyolországban

Időpont: 2024. Szeptember 2-10. (2. és 10. az utazási napok!)

Helyszín: Moraira, Spanyolország

Kiket várunk rá: 

13-17. év között fiatalokat! A programra 4 fő résztvevőt fogunk kiválasztani motivációs leveleik alapján, akiket egy 18 év feletti tapasztalt csoportvezető fog kísérni!

A program rövid leírása:

Nearly three-quarters of young people aged 15-24 in 92 countries for which data is available are not on track to acquire the skills needed for employment, according to a new report released in July 2022 by the Education Commission and UNICEF, and supported by Generation Unlimited ahead of World Youth Skills Day. The data highlights low skills levels among children and young people across all age groups, with young people in lowincome countries being the least likely to have the skills they need to thrive, especially in terms of future employment opportunities, decent work and entrepreneurship. „An inspired and empowered generation of children and youth is critical to the prosperity, progress and success of societies and economies. Yet the majority of children and young people around the world have been failed by their education systems, leaving them uneducated, uninspired and unskilled – the perfect storm for unproductivity,” said Robert Jenkins, UNICEF’s Director of Education. „Investing in proven, cost-effective solutions to accelerate learning and skills development for today’s generation and future generations is an urgent necessity to address this crisis.” Moreover, this year 2023 is the „European Year of Skills” so we believe it is the right time to carry out such a project. Analyzing this reality and considering a solution within our reach, we have decided to write this project which will combat the lack of knowledge and skills in young people known as „Life Skills”. The term „Life Skills” refers to the skills you need to get the most out of life. Any useful life skill can be considered a Life Skill. For most people, tying shoelaces, swimming, driving a car or using a computer are useful life skills. In general terms, the term „Life Skills” is often used to refer to any of the skills needed to cope well and effectively with life’s challenges. We aim to achieve the following objectives: 

  • To provide opportunities to develop one’s own potential through practical experience. 
  • To develop interpersonal skills in the young participants. 
  • To learn about Life Skills in order to be able to use them in real life. 
  • To promote mutual understanding between young people from different countries. 
  • To foster a sense of European citizenship

A szervezők a szállást és a napi háromszori étkezést biztosítják!

Az utazási költséget a résztvevőknek meg kell előlegezni, melyet a program után 275 euroig visszatérítenek.

Jelentkezni email címen lehet 5-6 mondatos motivációs levéllel!

További információk a fenti email címen és a +36202798694-es telefonszámon. 

Jelentkezési határidő: 2024. július 8.