So far, my experience during the project has been great. I enjoy working at the kindergarten, and the time spent there turns out to be very productive. I believe the most fun and easy way to learn a language is by playing — and that’s exactly what I’m mostly doing at the kindergarten! We draw, we do puzzles, we play with dolls and build lego — opportunities to learn Hungarian are everywhere, and I absolutely love it.
One of the best days I had here was at the Budapest conference. It was amazing to become part of such a big and well-organized event and learn more about youth work in Hungary. Even though the conference was mostly held in Hungarian, I still got to meet other volunteers working on similar projects in Hungary and share our experiences. I had so much fun, and I would never imagine that conferences could be so dynamic and informal!
And the last (but not least) part I love most about working at FIRE is visiting different schools in the area to spread information about Erasmus+ opportunities among young Hungarians. Being a speaker and sharing knowledge at these sessions is truly inspiring not just for the youngsters, but for myself as well. Moreover, it feels amazing to learn about how the school system works in Hungary and even see some similarities to how it is in my home country!