Gabriels élménybeszámolója

Gabriels Lettországból érkezett és immár öt hónapja van Pécsváradon az Európai Szolidaritási Testület támogatásával. Az eddigi élményeiről és tapasztalatairól fogadjátok írását.

„Hello everyone! The first five months have passed by fast, but the memories I’ve made will last a lifetime.It all started on the first day. I still remember the long trip from Rīga to Pécsvárad, which was quite stressful as it was the first time I went abroad without an „adult” accompanying me. Experiencing first times became a trend here. After the long trip, Miklós treated us to dinner, and the stress leading up to the trip slowly melted away.

We were shown around the city and the places where we would be working in the coming months. I got used to this city and slowly started feeling more comfortable living here. I love the hills.

There was a training here during which the city held a festival. We had to organize an activity booth for the local kids and it was a success. We went on a hike on the mountain, which was something I had never done before. I loved it. And don’t get me started on the people I met, they were hilarious.

After that, there was a quiet period where I just did my job and explored the city to see what it holds. We had to go to a few schools where we needed to tell the students about the possibilities they have in the ESC and try to encourage them to join it.
We also needed to come up with activities that we could host in the youth club weekly to provide the local youth the possibility to do something in a group setting.

Around Christmas time, there was an event that our mentors held in the youth club. It was a traditional celebration where you butcher a pig and process as much of it into food as possible. The things I saw and smelt I won’t forget for a long time.

Our on-arrival meeting had arrived. Where we stayed at a three-star hotel with a four-star hotel restaurant. We were receiving the treatment of royalty, even Endy couldn’t ruin it for us, no matter how much he tried. We had so many activities and most of them were fun. And the evening activities were even better. We even went out to a club, again the first time for me.

Now we are coming to the end of my five-month experience. The European Union Information Day took place in Pécs, where we presented our work. We tried to inform the youth attending the event about their possibilities with ESC or Erasmus projects. There was a snack and drinks area where too, I used it to its fullest.

Thanks for reading, and see you in my next article!”

Gabriels Solovjevs