„Greendays” TRAINING COURSE Olaszországban

Időpont: 2024. Szeptember 25. – október 3. (szeptember 25. és október 3. az utazási napok!)

Helyszín:  Castellet to di Cuggiono (MILANO)

2 fő 20-35 év közötti résztvevőt várunk rá akik: 

Youth workers, youth leaders and social workers including those who are involved in youth work in rural areas and interested in youth work innovations and ready to share them with their organization and local stakeholders through follow up. 

Who can share their experience and want to develop new methods of working.

A program rövid leírása:

The training course will be based on the principles and practice of non-formal education taking into account participants’ needs, motivations and experiences. We plan a variety of methods to allow involvement of participants with different learning styles and to ensure a balance between theory and practice. Throughout the days of training, starting from the understanding of the rurality concept and main characteristics, passing through the study of the young people living in rural areas’ needs and obstacles of youth worker may encounter in rural areas, we want to make influence in the participants developing in them skills in the area of rural/social entrepreneurship, conflict management, leadership and teamwork, providing them with the knowledge on how youth workers working with young people in rural and suburban areas struggling with social exclusion, poverty can develop new spirit for challenges and initiatives, becoming a guide for the youngsters at their local, letting them understand the importance of reflection that must become concrete action, starting for example by re evaluation and re-developing of already existing ideas, to be used in a functional and sustainable way in their local.


  • analyze the challenges faced by those living in rural areas while recognizing the potential for sustainable development; 
  • improve youth workers’ skills in rural/social entrepreneurship, conflict management, leadership, and teamwork, providing them with methods, tools, and motivational techniques to work efficiently with target groups in rural areas.; 
  • support youth work in rural areas, to improve its quality; 
  • reflect on sustainable work and rural entrepreneurship possibilities by reassessing and improving existing ideas to be applied functionally and sustainably in local communities; 
  • contribute to the recognition and visibility of good practices and new methods/strategies used to deal with youngsters living in rural areas reached through the study visits and by means dedicated dissemination material on Youth work in rural areas, that will be elaborated by Youth Workers, in an innovative way; 
  • give information about Erasmus+ and other programs and give opportunity to make new projects, give to the NGOs working in rural areas the opportunity to share their experiences, and establish an inter-organizational net.

A szervezők a szállást és a napi háromszori étkezést biztosítják!

Az utazási költséget a résztvevőknek meg kell előlegezni, melyet a program után 275 euroig visszatérítenek.

Jelentkezni fire@firepecsvarad.hu email címen lehet 5-6 mondatos motivációs levéllel!

További információk a fenti email címen és a +36202798694-es telefonszámon. 

Jelentkezési határidő: 2024. augusztus 30.