My name is Petar Bošnjaković and from 7.3. – 13.3.2022. I attended Youth Exchange “iCitizen 2.0” that is funded by Erasmus+ in Liptod, Hungary. This wasn’t my first youth exchange but it was my first time being a team leader and that came with more responsibilities than usual.
Since my team is from Croatia our trip was really short and easy. First day that we arrived we got a nice welcome by the Hungarian participants and Miklós who was our facilitator. On the second day we started with some basic activities whose goal was to remember each other’s names and get to know one another. Throughout the day we had team building workshops to get the workflow going so we can work better in international groups later on.
Also on every day we had two intercultural breaks where we presented various food, snacks and drinks from other participant countries. In the evenings we had intercultural nights where we learned about other participant countries in a fun and educative way. On the third day we really got into the topic of the internet, we discussed what are the good and bad sides of it and what can we do to be safe on this huge platform. Working in intercultural teams was interesting because we had to speak in English so more than one competence was learned through this process!
On the next day we were discussing how we find information on the internet and what are the bad signs that something might be fake, outdated or some sensationalist article. After a nice lunch we went for a hike in the surrounding area. That hike was awesome! We got some fresh air and learnt some facts about the local area, plus we saw an Owl!
Next day our main goal was to show our creative side and create what we learnt on this project in digital form that will be used later on for dissemination. On the rest of the project we got to revise what is a Youthpass and 8 key competences, we evaluated our learned knowledge everyday.
On the last day of the project we went to Pecs where we explored the city and got to know some cool facts about it! I am really thankful for participating on this project, the experience I got will help me in my future plans and the people I have met were amazing. With some I am still in contact and plan to visit them. The topic was really important for me because today most people get their information and news on the internet and it’s important to know how to recognize bad and good information.
Written by Petar Bošnjaković