Looking for new partnership

The Youth for Participation Association – an Erasmus+ accredited organisation – is looking for partners for its next youth exchanges and international training courses in Hungary in 2024. If you and your organisation would like to participate in one of our programmes, please fill in our application form.

Information about the programmes can be found below:

Find your Path! – Training course

What is the Find Your Path! board game about?

Do you have a great idea that you would like to implement with your friends? Perhaps there are no upcoming new programs, but the demand for it still exists? This game was created to accompany you from the great idea to its implementation. In the meantime, you can also experience what it’s like to be an active citizen who can make an impact on the world. Choose missions, boost your team’s morale, let the Morale Meter bubble! Together, find the path that leads to solving challenges while events are happening at full speed, and your team becomes more skilled… but remember, time flies! During the game and adventures, viable ideas can come to light that can be implemented in your class, various communities, or your town. In other words, the game can become a reality at any time… Give it your all, Find your path!

The aim of the training is 

  • to introduce the board game to participants 
  • to familiarise participants with the methodology and the learning goals of the game
  • to discover the possible connecting mentoring techniques
  • to develop 

Dates: 2-9. September 2024 (2. and 9. are the travel days)

Age group 18+ (2 or 3 participants per country)

Participants profile: teachers, youth workers, social workers, trainers, and volunteers who work with youths and are eager to support/mentor youth groups’ projects.

Venue: Pécsvárad


Play without limits!

Remember the hit Eurogames or Jeux sans frontières?

With our youth exchange, we’ll bring it to life!

The teams participating in the exchange will have to prepare a 1-1 game task to challenge the other teams and we will announce a winner at the end of the week!

Dates: 14-21. October (14. and 21. are the travel days)

Age group: 13-17 (4 participents per country + 1 group leader)

Venue: Liptód

Application deadline: 15 June 2024